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The Conceptualization and Operation of Social Capital: Time Investment in Overlapping Networks
作者 傅仰止
Conceptualizing the study of social capital relies on untangling the various mechanisms that help accumulate and capitalize social resources. Based on the social network perspective, this paper first clarifies the core concepts associated with social capital and differentiates its major components. It then examines how actors gain from investing different amounts of time in social interactions within three kinds of networks: highly overlapping networks, somewhat overlapping networks, and those that do not overlap. The data were drawn from two contact diaries (with 2,233 and 1,555 contacts, respectively), which recorded the actual amount of time each contact lasted, the immediate returns from each contact, the sociodemographics of both the ego and the alter, and the relationship between the two actors. The findings indicate that, under similar sociodemographic, relational, and contact circumstances, the ego tends to experience more expressive and substantial gains when a contact lasts longer. Such a duration effect disappears, however, when either actor knows the other's family very well. This nuance suggests that overlapping networks are usually richer in social capital; thus actors feel a less urgent need to invest time when they wish to obtain immediate returns, as other studies also have shown. As an objective, standardized, and universal unit, time investment is easy to measure. More importantly, not only does time investment vary significantly on different individual and relational factors; it also clearly differentiates how actors perceive and evaluate each specific contact. Time investment is a key mechanism in social capital, particularly amid overlapping networks, and this measure helps showcase how social capital functions according to the network approach.
起訖頁 165-203
關鍵詞 社會資本個人網絡網絡重疊時間投資接觸日誌social capitalpersonal networksnetwork overlappingtime investmentcontact diary
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200506 (9期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 傳遞共通感受:林合社區公共領域修辭模式的分析
該期刊-下一篇 回首新身體的舊時路:評《亞細亞的新身體》




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