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認同、敘事、與行動:台灣1970 年代黨外的歷史建構
Identity, Narrative, and Action: Anti-KMT Dissident Construction of History in 1970s Taiwan
作者 蕭阿勤
1970 年代台灣的外交挫折與社會經濟變遷等因素,激發戰後世代的社會政治改革意識。當時反國民黨的「黨外」人士是這個戰後世代的重要組成份子。本文從「敘事認同」的理論取向,探討黨外的政治改革主張與其歷史敘事的辯證關係。本文從「非工具論的情境論或建構論」角度分析,指出黨外以一種基於中國民族主義的歷史敘事,將個人自我與社會、國家、民族聯繫起來,建構戰後世代的集體認同感,而此種歷史敘事及世代認同與其政治社會的改革行動密不可分。本文的結論指出:黨外成員以中國民族主義的歷史敘事來理解台灣的過去,尤其是台灣人抗日史,將他們原本被教化的中國民族/國家認同加以充實、具體化,然而因為其強調台灣鄉台歷史與文化而有助於美麗島事件後、八年代初以降黨外的台灣意識、台灣民族主義的政治動員與文化建構。對台灣七年代黨外的集體記憶重構與族群政治的關係,及其與八年代以來台灣文化民族主義發展的歷史聯繫,本文提供一個具有理論意涵的分析理解。
Throughout the 1970s, tang-wai—the name given to anti-KMT dissidents—were at the center of the Taiwanese postwar generation's response to the country's diplomatic failures, authoritarian rule, and economic inequalities. Using a narrative identity approach to political action, I analyze the dialectical relationship between tang-wai political reform efforts and a historical narrative. From non-instrumentalist situationalist and non-instrumentalist constructionist perspectives, I also argue that a Chinese nationalist narrative of history helped tang-wai to connect individuals with their society/nation, and to form a sense of collective identity with other members of the postwar generation. My conclusion is that in the 1970s, the tang-wai substantiated their Chinese national identity by adopting a historical narrative to make sense of Taiwan's past, especially in terms of Taiwanese resistance to Japanese colonialism. Their rediscovery of this history contributed greatly to the political mobilization and cultural construction of Taiwanese nationalism that began in the 1980s. Here I attempt to establish a theoretical understanding of tang-wai reconstruction of a collective memory that incorporated ethnic politics in 1970s Taiwan and its impact on post-1980s nationalist politics.
起訖頁 195-250
關鍵詞 認同敘事黨外世代民族主義identitynarrativetang-waigenerationnationalism
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200306 (5期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 政治轉型過程中的婦女運動:以運動者及其生命傳記背景為核心的分析取向
該期刊-下一篇 評《Exclusion and Socio-Cultural Identities: Systems Theoretical and Poststructuralist Perspective, eds.》




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