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作者 龔宜君
本文討論的焦點是資本跨國移動後所面臨的異文化勞資互動問題,尤其是台商在馬來西亞遭遇到種種非預期的勞動條件時,他們如何在勞動過程中經由制度性勞動分工的安排來維持一個可以創造利潤的勞動體制。本文假定工廠工勞動過程中「一群分工」(ethnic division of labor)的安排,是台商為了在異地求生存的一項相當重要的機制;而一群分工是需要特定的勞動控制方式來維持。在文章的安排方面,首先說明馬來西亞台商廠工勞動過程中一群分工的制度安排,重點在於台商外移後經由與異文化之員工間的互動經驗,如何在勞動過程中調整出一套制度性的勞動分工以維持其資本積累的順暢。其次,分析相應於上述勞動分工的勞動控制方式,並說明其在勞動體制的光譜上是偏向專制或霸權體制。最後,討論台商廠工之勞動體制得以形成的基礎是什麼,在此作者會進一步討論勞工本身的經濟結構條件、國家對生產過程的干預方式與程度以及一群作為一種社會資源的作用。
The author discusses capital-labor relations within Taiwanese businesses operating in Malaysia. Both the transnational relocation of capital and the employment of workers with multi-ethnic backgrounds are new experiences for Taiwanese business operators. Complexities associated with the current business environment were not anticipated by Taiwanese businessmen interested in making overseas investments in the 1980s. However, most Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) governments worked hard to attract foreign capital, going so far as to encourage labor importation. As a result, Taiwanese firms in Malaysia rely heavily on Malaysian Chinese managers for their local expertise, but employ foreign workers from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan and India for production. Indigenous Malays are low on the list of preferred workers, and therefore have to accept factory positions in which they can be easily replaced. This unusual capital-tabor relation is explained in terms of workplace labor regime theory-specifically, that labor control mechanisms were used by Taiwanese firms to create a profitable labor regime in Malaysia. To survive and expand, the Taiwanese entrepreneurs exploited conflicts in social ties among multi-ethnic workers. The argument is made that ethnic division according to factory labor processes is central to this tabor regime.
起訖頁 253-289
關鍵詞 台商一群分工勞動體制勞動控制勞動過程Taiwanese businessesethnic divisions of laborlabor regimelabor controllabor process
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200206 (3期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 接近的距離:中國大陸台資廠的核心大陸員工與台商




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