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On Philippines’ Maritime Claim of Treaty Limits
作者 姜皇池
本文勾勒與分析菲律賓之「條約界線」(treaty limits)海域主張。台灣與比鄰的菲律賓,經年來海域衝突不斷,菲律賓往往振振有詞地聲稱其乃係維護應有之海域權利,條約界線海域即屬該等主張之一。惟倘若仔細檢視菲律賓相關主張,則會發現其範圍與內容均模糊不清,特別是關於最根本之領海基線劃定和海域範圍主張,而有必要釐清與檢視,始得進一步思量與處理相關島嶼權利主張以及海域劃界等問題。透過觀察菲律賓的地理條件與歷史發展;詳細整理菲律賓海域主張之內國法法源與相關國際法基礎;並以國際法有關規則檢視其合法性等路徑,本文將聚焦於菲律賓劃定其領海基線之方法、其領海範圍、「條約界線」與2009年「群島基線」之關係以及相關國際法爭議等問題。結論指出:菲律賓藉由條約界線主張大舉擴張其應有之內水和領水之範圍,不僅無法從菲律賓三條約取得基礎,甚者,國際社會從未承認與默認這樣的主張;儘管如此,即便菲律賓清楚理解條約界限主張非但不合乎國際法規範,亦難謂能夠為菲國爭得最大利益,然基於種種內國政治考量,對外論述時仍無法揚棄之。
This paper illustrates and analyzes the Philippines’ Maritime Claim of Treaty Limits. Taiwan and the Philippines are neighboring States, whose maritime conflicts have frequently occurred for numerous years and never been well settled. In every instance, the Philippines asserts that it is preserving legitimate rights with the Treaty Limits claim serving as the Philippines’ main argument. However, after thoroughly exploring the Philippines’ claims, it turns out that the scope and content of the claims are of obscure and ambiguous nature, especially concerning the drawing of the territorial sea baseline and the breadth of maritime waters. Given that these claims are essential to further deal with relevant cases regarding island and maritime delimitation, it is necessary to clarify and examine them carefully. By observing the Philippines’ geographical conditions and historical development, detailing its municipal and international sources of law for maritime claims and examining them from relevant rules of public international law, this paper principally addresses issues relating to the method employed by the Philippines to draw the territorial sea baseline, the breadth of the Philippine territorial sea, the relation between the 2009 Archipelagic Baseline and the Treaty Limits claim and international law concerns thereof. This paper concludes that the Philippines’ Treaty Limits claim, which denotes the expansion of the extent of the internal water and the territorial water in a way incompatible with rules of general international law, finds no support in the context of the 1898 Treaty, the 1900 Treaty and the 1930 Convention. Also, the claim has never been recognized and acquiesced by any member of the international community. Despite the fact that the Philippines fully understands the Treaty Limits claim not only is inconsistent with international law, but by no means can it optimize national interests, the Philippines’ considerations of domestic politics deter it from renouncing such claim.
起訖頁 125-200
關鍵詞 群島制度1982年聯合國《海洋法公約》菲律賓條約界線歷史性權利歷史性水域archipelago regime1982 UNCLOSthe PhilippinesTreaty Boundary Limitshistorical titlehistoric waters
刊名 國立臺灣大學法學論叢  
期數 201803 (47:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
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