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感染控制雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Survey on Cognition of and Attitudes towards Influenza, Influenza Vaccine, and Influenza Vaccination Behavior among Healthcare Workers
作者 郭秀娥林惠賢周心寧康慧怡張肇松沈孟娟
本研究目的為了解醫療機構工作人員對流感與流感疫苗的認知、態度及接種疫苗之行為及其相關因素。本研究採結構式問卷,調查內容包括:個人基本資料、對流感與流感疫苗的認知和態度、接種流感疫苗的經驗、施打流感疫苗與否的原因。研究對象為41家評鑑等級為地區醫院(含)以上醫療機構的工作人員。共發出問卷1,810 份,回收1,597份(回收率88.2%)。研究結果發現醫療機構工作人員(1)對流感與流感疫苗的認知平均得分為13. 96(可能分數範圍為0分至17分);(2)對流感與流感疫苗的態度平均得分為37.01(可能分數範圍為10分至50分);(3)接種流感疫苗的顯著相關因素為所屬醫院評鑑等級、是否為教學醫院、是否開設員工疫苗接種專用診間、性別、年齡、工作年資、工作地點、負責執行流感教育訓練者是否為感控人員。本研究建議醫院若能有流感疫苗注射宣導,並由感控人員執行流感教育訓練,應可提高醫療機構工作人員對流感與流感疫苗的認知,並使其態度更為正向。本研究也建議醫療機構應特別加強對女性、年輕或資淺(0-2年)工作人員的教育訓練,以增強這些人對流感與流感疫苗的認知與態度,進而提高接種流感疫苗的比率。(感控雜誌 2009; 19: 69-80)。
The aim of this study is to survey the cognition of and attitudes towards influenza, influenza vaccine, and influenza vaccination among healthcare workers. A structured questionnaire, including basic personal data, knowledge about influenza and influenza vaccine, attitudes towards influenza and influenza vaccine, influenza vaccination experience, reasons for receiving or not receiving influenza vaccination, was distributed to health care workers (HCWs) working in 41 regional hospitals or medical centers. A total of 1810 questionnaires were distributed and 1597 returned, with a response rate of 88.2%. The results showed that (1) average rating of knowledge about influenza and influenza vaccine was 13.96 (score range 0-17); (2) average score of positive attitude towards influenza and influenza vaccine was 37.01 (score range 10-50); (3) significant factors affecting receiving influenza vaccine included accreditation grading of the hospital, teaching hospital or not, provision of a special vaccination clinic for workers, personnel responsible for influenza education training, and gender, age, working years, and working department of the HCWs. In order to improve the workers' cognition of and attitude towards influenza and influenza vaccine, we suggest that an education program for influenza vaccination should be conducted in each hospital and by the infection control personnel, particularly for the young, female, and newly employed (0-2 years) workers. (Infect Control J 2009; 19:69-80).
起訖頁 69-80
關鍵詞 醫療機構流感疫苗認知態度行為healthcare workersinfluenzainfluenza vaccineknowledgeattitudes
刊名 感染控制雜誌  
期數 200904 (19:2期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣感染管制學會
該期刊-下一篇 某醫學中心新生兒加護病房院內感染 Enterobacter species 菌血症流行病學調查




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