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The Impact of Public Places on the Initial Stage of Dengue Outbreak: Study of the Dengue Fever Cluster in Ximending Flea Market, Tainan City, 2015
The Impact of Public Places on the Initial Stage of Dengue Outbreak: Study of the Dengue Fever Cluster in Ximending Flea Market, Tainan City, 2015
作者 Yu-Neng Chueh (Yu-Neng Chueh)Chin-Hsien Wang (Chin-Hsien Wang)Cheng-Sheng Lin (Cheng-Sheng Lin)Jen-Te Wang (Jen-Te Wang)Huai-Te Tsai (Huai-Te Tsai)Yeuan-Perng Tsai (Yeuan-Perng Tsai)Jui-Wei Hsieh (Jui-Wei Hsieh)Pi-Long Liu (Pi-Long Liu)
In 2015, Tainan city had faced the most severe indigenous dengue fever outbreak. Since the first case was confirmed on 21 May, 2015, the outbreak had lasted for 36 weeks and caused 22,765 infections. Tainan city government had experiences of dealing with dengue fever epidemics through the past 10 years, however, the outbreak in 2015 was difficult to manage. In retrospect, delay in identifying mosquito breeding sites in Ximending flea market to interrupt transmission routes in the initial stage of the epidemic was the major factor leading to the spread of the outbreak. The dengue cluster associated with Ximending flea market included 74 confirmed cases and lasted for 12 weeks. The residence of cases located over 15 villages and districts in 3 counties. With cooperation of city government and vendors, the outbreak had been under control after implementing breeding sites elimination, chemical control, environmental sanitation improvement and business suspension. This investigation describes the process of the cluster, control strategies and experiences learned. As a reference, these experiences may prevent future dengue fever outbreak facilitated by public place.
起訖頁 64-64
關鍵詞 Tainan cityDengue feverPublic placeInitial stage of epidemicMarket
期數 201705 (33:10期)
出版單位 衛生福利部疾病管制署
該期刊-上一篇 The Model and Effects of Interdepartmental Dengue Fever Prevention and Control, Taichung City, 2015
該期刊-下一篇 Disease Surveillance Express: week 18-19(Apr. 30-May. 13, 2017)




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