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As Time Flies, the Fear of Death is Constant—the Transmission and Proposition of Time Motif in the Fairyland Journey of the Tang and the Five Dynasties
作者 黃夏年
This paper mainly put in order and investigated the transmission, origin and its cultural significance of the legends of fairyland journey of the Tang and the Five Dynasties, in term of the accelerated passing of time. It is known that this motif mainly explains: (1) Man must yield to the fact of time, recognize and understand it; (2) The Taoist methods of cultivating one’s body against the influence of time is appropriate and feasible, and it helps to establish the concepts of Taoist immortals and the fairyland; (3) The immortals have the ability to travel freely in space and break through the limits set upon man by time; (4) Reemphasize the original idea that the fairyland is free from the influence of time, thus giving readers the far-off feeling of the remoteness in time, and separate and increase the difference and distance between the fairyland and the material world. However, the time motif of the fairyland transformed from the reflection of the traditional idea toward the time concept. It cannot be included in the intellectual consciousness of the Taoist theory. Even though Taoists of the Tang and Five Dynasties were already aware of the positive effect of this motif in preaching and attempted to accept this concept, it was still in vain. For this reason, the remaining question from the Six Dynasties of converting the difference in time between the fairyland and the material world was still not resolved during the Tang Dynasty, let alone to totally influence the fairyland legends that have no difference in time, thus become the minority story type in the legends of the fairyland journey, and continue to embellish the work of various literature.
起訖頁 37-65
關鍵詞 仙鄉(仙境)時間母題唐五代唐人小說道教小說志怪小說FairylandTime motifTang and Five DynastiesTang novelTaoist novelWeird novel
刊名 新世紀宗教研究  
期數 200806 (6:4期)
出版單位 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社
該期刊-上一篇 基督教資源與社區總體營造——以新竹湖口浸信會為例
該期刊-下一篇 「玄關一竅」:道教生命仙學向民間宗教的轉化




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