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Ex-Offenders and their Employment:Twenty Five Years Onwards
作者 周愫嫻曹光文侯崇文
解嚴後,法務部曾經四度(1991, 1992, 1999, 2013年)針對更生人就業情況進行調查,勞動部在2014年也進行了一項調查,五次調查跨越了近25年。透過比較五次調查結果,本文發現,這些犯罪人在入獄前從事計程車司機、營建工地工人、修車人員、餐飲業的比例最高,出獄或結束保護管束後,則以體力工人、攤販、餐飲業為主,其謀職的管道均以親友介紹為主(保持四成多),20年多來幾乎就業情況沒有隨著整體社會之經濟條件,或政府相關就業政策協助而改變。值得肯定的是20 多年來,出獄後尋求政府資源協助謀職的比例逐年上升(從1991 年1%增加至2013 年15%),另一方面在監獄中獲得職業訓練的比例,因為監獄人口暴增,資源缺乏,反而有下降趨勢(從1991 年53%降低至2013 年11%)。面對更生人中,女性增加(又以毒品犯居多)、國中教育程度偏高、在監執行時間愈長、中高齡出獄者多、監獄職訓機會稀有的變遷趨勢下,更生人在監與社區就業策略似可重新配置重點與資源,設法降低其就業不利因素,本文提出「紅斗笠行動方案」,討論未來政策可能整合的方向。
Since the ending of Martial law in Taiwan, the Ministry of Justice has conducted four surveys concerning ex-offender's employment issues (1991, 1992, 1999, 2013). The most recent of these surveys was done by The Ministry of Labor in 2014. By comparing data across the five surveys conducted over a quarter of century, this paper found that there had been few changes in the overall employment situation of ex-offenders. For example, prior to arrest, they were mostly working as taxi drivers, construction workers, car/motorcycle mechanics, and restaurant workers. After their release from jail, they were most likely to work in construction, street vending, or in the restaurant business. Most ex-offenders obtained employment through family and friends (about 40%). Employment prospects had not been improved due to direct governmental policy initiatives, nor as a result of the generally fast economic growth in Taiwan during this period of time. Nevertheless, we found that there had been an increase in the number of ex-offenders who had received employment services from the government (1% in 1991, 15% in 2013). Due to a steep rise in prison numbers over the period, and resulting prison overcrowding, offenders had less opportunities to gain job training in prison (51% in 1991, 11% in 2013). The new challenge for the government in this regard is the increasing number of women (mainly imprisoned for drug related crimes), high school educated, middle-age inmates, and those with longer sentences who have received no or little prison job training. There is thus an urgent need to reallocate employment resources both directly into the prison system and in the outside community. This paper suggests an integrated model to deal with future ex-offenders' employment issues, which we term the 'Red Bamboo Hat Executive Plan'.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 更生人就業受保護管束人就業受刑人就業紅斗笠行動方案Ex-Offender EmploymentProbationee's EmploymentInmate's Employment'Red Bamboo Hat Executive Plan'
刊名 軍法專刊  
期數 201802 (64:1期)
出版單位 軍法專刊社
該期刊-下一篇 加拿大軍事司法的建構與防衛聯盟的啟發




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