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A Study of ERP System Internal Control Framework - The Perspective from a Telecommunications Case Company
作者 詹順吉張碩毅吳東憲
With the advancement of information technology and the assistance of information systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), which promotes a paperless working environment, companies have gone from paper certificates to the electronic storage of information in the form of corporate resource organization system archives. However, with companies increasingly relying on information technology, how does this ensure that the information contained in information systems will be error-free, so that it can improve policy-making abilities, and at the same time minimize the auditing risk associated with having an accountant certify financial statements generated by ERP? This is an important task that needs to be studied at this juncture. In the first stage of this study, necessary related variables contained in the internal controls of the information system were searched through the discussion and arrangement of relevant documents and by grounded theory. We used the control regulation set by the Securities and Futures Bureau in the “Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies,” as a model. With revision and acknowledgment by professionals with actual experience in the maintenance, management and auditing of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), we attempt to raise “Critical Points in the Internal Controls of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),” to provide auditors with a method to audit the data quality accordingly. The second phase will use a model built upon theories as a basis, relying on the case study method to verify the usefulness and effectiveness of the control entries raised by this study. By constructing 12 elements and a total of 37 critical factors, we hope that the results will provide a standard, which the auditors can effectively use when auditing the internal control points that should be in a corporate resources organization system. This will thereby reduce risks when accountants audit and certify financial statements. When examining their control of the corporate resources organization system, corporations can look to the restrictions of their own basic structure, then look to the results of this study and decide which control points are “Need to do” and which ones can be classified as “Best to have.” In turn, this will reduce the cost of information technology management and concurrently develop a complete system for information technology control.
起訖頁 159-187
關鍵詞 內控制度企業資源規劃系統資料品質資訊循環Internal Controls SystemEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP)Data QualityInformation Cycle
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200806 (6:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中小企業使用開放原始碼軟體建置電子商店之研究
該期刊-下一篇 SOA下運用UMM發展一獲取候選服務之方法--以我國檢疫通關自動化為例




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