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Differences in Personality and Need Fulfillment between Online Game Players and Non-players
作者 鄧景宜梁信源呂季芳
近幾年來,線上遊戲已成為廣泛的討論話題,遊戲人數不僅快速成長,也在市場上創造了可觀的利潤。然而目前的市場仍有持續開發的空間,瞭解玩家與非玩家人格特質間的差異,不僅能夠掌握玩家喜好的遊戲類型,也可得知具哪種人格特質的玩家較常玩線上遊戲,幫助軟體設計人員設計可滿足玩家心理需求的線上遊戲,增加遊戲廠商的營收,因此探究線上遊戲的使用,以及玩家與非玩家在人格特質、心理需求上的差異,將有助於軟體人員開發與設計時更能符合使用者的人格特質與心理需求。本研究以460位國高中生為樣本,利用Mini-Marker及需求滿足自陳量表,來衡量樣本的人格和心理需求滿足,以瞭解線上遊戲玩家與非玩家在人格與心理需求滿足的差異。結果發現,在五大人格(Big Five)的人格特質中,線上遊戲玩家較非玩家有較高的開放性、嚴謹性及宜人性;心理需求滿足中,線上遊戲玩家的支配需求在現實生活中被滿足的程度較高。
Recently, online games have been one of the popular topics. The number of players increases rapidly, creating remarkable profits. However, the market potential has not been fully exploited. The knowledge regarding the difference in personality between players and non-players can help online game service providers understand not only the game types favored by players, but also the personality of players who frequently play online games. Such knowledge can help software designers to design games that can satisfy psychological needs of online game players, increasing revenues of online game service providers. Thus investigations of the relationship among online game use, difference in personality and psychological needs between players and non-players help software designers better fit the user personality and psychological needs. The sample of this study comprised 460 high school students. Mini-Marker was used to measure personality traits. Manifest Needs Questionnaire was used to measure psychological needs. Study results indicated that online game players are higher than non-players in openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. Moreover, the need for dominance of online game players was satisfied more in the real world than in the online game world.
起訖頁 439-462
關鍵詞 人格特質心理需求線上遊戲五大人格PersonalityPsychological NeedsOnline GameBig Five Personality Traits
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200712 (5:4期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 DK-means:一個新的使用於資料庫進行資料探勘之高穩定性分群技術
該期刊-下一篇 從網路銀行自助服務探討創新對顧客價值之影響




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