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Case Studies on the Implementation of Knowledge Management in the Distribution Industry: Worldpeace and Alltek
作者 沈佩蒂李昌雄蔡家文陳宜棻
知識管理(knowledge management, KM)是企業競爭優勢的基礎,因此在高科技產業和軟體產業中被廣泛且熱烈地討論。然而,知識管理卻常被忽略了也可以適用於其他產業當中。本研究使用兩個IC通路產業個案--Worldpeace和Alltek,來詮釋知識管理的執行方式,以增進企業之競爭優勢。本研究運用知識創造、知識儲存、知識移轉和知識應用的觀點,來分析知識管理的執行過程和步驟。本研究發現不只IC產業上下游企業應實行知識管理,包括中游的企業也可從實行知識管理而受益,特別是中游的通路商面對科技變遷快速、創新程度高的上游企業,以及需求不同、客製化程度高的下游客戶,因此IC產業中游的通路商必需比上游的IC設計廠商和下游的製造商更快速地學習和應變,對知識管理也有著更迫切的需求。此外,本研究也比較兩個個案實行知識管理作法上的異同,並進一步討論其成功實行知識管理的原因。
A hot topic, knowledge management (KM) is enthusiastically discussed and implemented in high-tech and software industries, as it is the basis for competitive advantage. We have heretofore neglect whether KM is suitable for implementing in other industries. In this article, two cases from the distribution industry, Worldpeace and Alltek, were studied to illustrate how KM is implemented and increases the firms’ competitive advantage. We analyze the implementation of KM in terms of knowledge creation, storage/retrieval, transfer and application. As distributors, these firms have to learn and change faster than designers and manufacturers. The findings point out that not only the upstream and downstream firms in IC industry have to implement KM, but also the midstream firms could benefit, as they face the rapidly changing technologies of upstream firms and the different and changing requirements of downstream customers. Moreover, some insights from these case studies and the enabling roles of KM processes are presented in the discussion section of the paper.
起訖頁 263-286
關鍵詞 知識管理通路產業個案研究Knowledge ManagementDistributorsCase Study
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200709 (5:3期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-下一篇 企業員工對知識管理系統分享意願之研究--從激勵觀點




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