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Constructing Measurement Model for On-Line Auction Service Quality
作者 梁鐿徽李泰民
由於網際網路的普及影響,拍賣網站(online auction)在短時間內迅速興起,並且不斷蓬勃發展,成為一種成功的電子商務模式。近年來服務品質(service quality)對資訊系統服務與電子商務的重要性也逐漸成熟,大多學者認同服務品質關係顧客的滿意度進而影響後續購買行為。基於以上,本研究以拍賣網站為對象,以SERVQUAL(Parasuraman et al., 1988)為基礎,進行服務品質之研究,發展新的拍賣網站之服務品質量表,命名為 OLA-SERVQUAL,並使用線性結構方程式進行分析。研究結果顯示本研究所發展之量表具有良好的整體模式適配度,且與 IS-SERVQUAL(Kettinger et al., 1994)與EC-SERVQUAL(Wang et al., 2003)進行比較,說明本研究所發展之量表之可行性與優越性。另外IS-SERVQUAL與EC-SERVQUAL使用於資訊系統服務與電子商務方面時,「有形性」此一構面常被視為貢獻力不足,而被刪除,但在本研究中,發現有形性構面在拍賣網站的應用上,仍然提供了相當的解釋力,不宜忽略其貢獻。最後,本研究所發展之量表可供業者作為改善其服務品質之依據,及後續服務品質於拍賣網站研究之參考。
As the internet environment mature, the Online auction, a C2C e-commerce model, grows rapidly and becomes more and more popular. Recently, the viewpoint that service quality is very important for information system service and e-commerce is emphasized by research people. Besides, most researchers also supposed that service quality influences customer’s satisfaction, and further influence customer purchase behaviors. Based above, this research constructed a new measurement model of the service quality model for on-line auction based on SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman et al., 1988), named OLA-SERVQUAL. The study also utilized SEM to validate the new model and compare with IS-SERVQUAL (Kettinger et al., 1994)and EC-SERVQUAL (Wang et al., 2003). The result revealed that the new model developed by the study is superior to IS-SERVQUAL(Kettinger et al., 1994)and EC-SERVQUAL (Wang et al., 2003). In addition, the “tangibles” dimension from IS-SERVQUAL or EC-SERVQUAL in measuring service quality about information system or e-commerce, is always considered to ignore because of less contribution. However, the study find that the “tangibles” dimension still offers great contribution and should be reserved in measurements. Finally, the managers can use this new model to improve service quality in order to enforce the firm’s competitiveness.
起訖頁 451-473
關鍵詞 拍賣網站服務品質量表Online AuctionService QualityMeasurement Model
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200612 (4:4期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 影響網路購物忠誠因素性別差異之比較研究
該期刊-下一篇 影響民眾使用高速公路電子收費系統意圖之因素研究




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