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The Decision Analyses for Industries and Consumers to Adopt Digital TV-Commerce
作者 林豪鏘沈祺琳劉耀元
隨著政府與廠商的大力推動,數位電視可望於近年全面推行。這一波的數位電視風潮以它友善的操作介面及全新的互動功能,把透過網際網路為媒介的電子商務,藉由電視大眾媒體全面推入每個家庭,進而對整個銷售市場產生創新性的變革,我們稱這種嶄新的商務模式為數位電視商務 (Digital TV Commerce, DTC)。本研究分別從經營者與消費者兩個面向進行探討。在經營者方面,本研究顯示業者在經營決策的三大構面上,無論是無線或有線電視業者均認為,未來在經營電視商務的決策上,以經營管理能力最為重要,次者為策略與創意的執行,最後則是技術的發展。在經營決策評選的方案中,不論是無線、有線電視業者,均希望以完全自營的方式經營電視商務,次者是部分與其他業者合作的折衷式經營方式,最後則是完全委外式的經營方案。在消費者方向,本研究將影響消費者購物行為之因素分為三大類:(1)銷售產品本身;(2)安全性相關;(3)便利性相關。並試圖以層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)找出眾多影響消費者購物行為因素的潛在權重值,透過分析這些權重值之分佈,得以一窺消費者對各變因的決策行為模式。在進行分析後我們找到影響消費者購物行為之三大變因為:(1)個人資料安全性;(2)平台操作性;(3)產品瞭解度。這三個變因剛好展現了DTC在眾多非實體通路當中的特點與優勢,也說明了DTC能否成功推行的可能性,並確定了購物平台有著足以影響消費者購物行為的影響力。
The popularity of digital television commerce (DTC) has been increasing rapidly over the last few years and is likely to be the growth star of the future. Indeed, the introduction of DTC in the diffusion of television has brought about many benefits to the customers (e.g. more TV channels). The proliferation of DTC has also given customers easier access to products and services. However, this has a profound effect on the market outlook for the existing TV operators. Although DTC contributes many benefits to the quality and the transmission of the TV channels for the customers, it has also resulted in fierce market competition and decreased profit margins for the TV industry as a whole. Therefore, the industry needs to look for new ways to utilize the technology to be competitive. In this paper, we discuss the digital TV commerce related issues from both the industries’ and consumers’ viewpoints. Organizations often encounter challenges and problems when implementing new IT technologies. For instance, organizations are likely to face uncertainties when assessing the new adopted IT technologies such as DTC. Moreover, very few studies have examined and evaluated how the TV industry as a whole conducts its business using DTC services. Thus, the objective of this paper is to establish a decision analysis mechanism that can assist the TV operators in adopting DTC as their commerce platform. A survey was employed to investigate and identify the key issues for adopting DTC by TV operators. The AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) methodology was used to analyze the DTC adoption decision processes of these TV operators. The AHP methodology was developed by Saaty (1980) to reflect the way people actually think and it continues to be the most highly regarded and widely used decision-making theory. One contribution of this papet is that our results indicate that the three most important adoption drivers for implementation DTC as a commerce platform are: (1) the operational capability for the DTC services; (2) the innovation and strategy execution capabilities; and (3) the level of maturity in technological development. Finally, most respondents indicate that the adoption of DTC commerce should be fully operated and managed in-house, rather than outsourced. As for the consumer’s perspective, this research divides the factors that influence the consumers’ purchase behaviors into three categories: (1) products concerns, (2) security problems, and (3) convenience issues. After analyzing the weight values, we figure out that the three main factors that influence consumers’ purchase behaviors are: (1) the information security and personal privacy, (2) the design of user interfaces and operating platforms, and (3) the knowledge about the products. These three factors show features and advantages of DTC in the incorporeal marketing places, explain the possibility to successfully adopt DTC, and assure that the purchasing places indeed influence the consumer purchase behaviors.
起訖頁 405-427
關鍵詞 電視產業數位電視互動電視電視商務經營決策AHP層級分析法TV IndustryDigital TVInteractive TVTV-CommerceDecision Analysis of ConductAnalysis Hierarchy ProcessDTC
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200612 (4:4期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 行動電話號碼可攜服務開放後的用戶市場區隔探討--以台南地區為例
該期刊-下一篇 影響網路購物忠誠因素性別差異之比較研究




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