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The Formation and Development of Virtual Organizations: A Study from Trust Perspective
作者 林豐智吳尚和
In order to maintain the competencies in a complex and unstable business environment, companies may transform framework from a labor-oriented structure to a capital-oriented and/or technique-oriented structure or gain a competitive advantage by working with other firms. Recently, the great progress has made on the information infrastructure and internet techniques. Virtual organizations have since been the subject of considerable discussion. Virtual organization is characterized by temporary network organization that misses traditional mechanisms of control and coordination. Hence, trust is essential for the success of the virtual organization. We define three factors necessary for the establishment of trust in virtual organization: (1) ICT-mediated environment (Information Communication Technology), (2) business agreement and cooperative experience, and (3) geographically and culturally diverse. The questionnaires are sent to the industries in Taiwan to investigate the formation and development of virtual organizations. The results suggest that firms may experience 4 forms of virtual organizations. Most of firms in Taiwan have implemented the concept of virtual organization but most of them are assigned to the low level of trust. Firms having long-term relationship and more cooperative experience with partners will develop the high level of trust.
起訖頁 399-424
關鍵詞 虛擬組織信任Virtual OrganizationTrust
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200512 (3:4期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 漸增式探勘演算法--QDT
該期刊-下一篇 市場導向、行動商務應用與組織績效關係之研究--以台灣流通業為例




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