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An Application of Fuzzy MCDM in Portal’s Service Performance
作者 王天津劉素苓
Because of the convenience that the Internet brings, the number of Internet users is rapidly increasing. According to a survey by Institute for Information Industry, most of the increase can be attributed to students. Portals are the gateway to the Internet and the sources of information as well. The main topic of this research is to see what services a portal can provide to satisfy the needs of young users and how the services affect users’ loyalty.A systematic approach is used to analyze the service performance of a portal. According to the fuzzy set theory and results of questionnaires from students that were collected, defined the weighting values by using the linguistic variable, and then applied the method of maximizing set and minimizing set to calculate and defuzzy the data. Finally, the TOPSIS method was used to rank these portals. The research shows that it’s possible to provide a systematic ranking method by using the fuzzy set theory to analyze and detect the important factors of a successful and useful portal site.
起訖頁 235-257
關鍵詞 入口網站模糊多準則決策服務績效網際網路portalfuzzy MCDMTOPSISservice performanceInternet
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200409 (2:3期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-下一篇 網際網路自助服務對消費者再購意願影響之研究




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