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The eReading @ your library Program-Promotion Strategies for Rural Libraries
作者 張維容吳美美
Since the Internet and mobile devices have become ubiquitous in our society, reading by using digital media is more and more popular. In order to bridge the digital divide and to enhance rural users' information and reading skills, the National Development Council, together with the National Library of Public Information, has implemented initiatives such as the eReading @ your library Program. To understand the eReading promotion strategies of rural libraries participating in the program, this study took a qualitative approach by interviewing librarians who were involved in implementing the eReading @ your library program. 42 rural libraries were visited and over 50 librarians were interviewed. Qualitative data was then analyzed. The results show that: (1)The eReading promotion strategies of rural libraries were found mainly through self-promotion as well as outside resources. Self-promotion strategies included oral promotion, downloading e-books for readers in advance, local media promotion, and mobile libraries; outside resources included working with the neighborhood institutions, such as townships, local communities, elementary schools, Digital Opportunity Centers, local computer associations, technical training centers, etc. (2) The limitations for rural libraries in eReading promotion included shortages of human resources, funding, geographical locations, and the numbers of wireless networks. (3) The more promotion strategies libraries have implemented, the greater the results in eReading promotion. Based on the research findings, this study proposes suggestions for future eReading promotion strategies for rural libraries in Taiwan.
起訖頁 71-98
關鍵詞 偏鄉圖書館數位閱讀圖書館推廣推廣策略Rural librariesDigital readingLibrary Marketing PromotionPromotion Strategy
刊名 國家圖書館館刊  
期數 201612 (2016:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 開放取用引文資源庫系統功能比較研究
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣地區圖書館身心障礙讀者服務現況與意見調查




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