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Comparison of Caring Status and Needs between Elderly and Non-elderly Family Caregivers
作者 李逸邱啟潤蘇卉芯
家庭照顧者是長期照顧體系中最主要的照顧提供者,隨著高齡社會來臨,照顧者 高齡化的現象亦隨之而來;然而目前的長期照顧政策是依據失能狀況提供不同程度的 服務方案,並未考量照顧者可能因為年齡差異性而有不同需求。因此本研究目的在比 較高齡/非高齡家庭照顧者的照顧現況與需求,採用問卷調查法,收集 76 位高齡照顧 者與 119 位非高齡照顧者的資料,並檢定兩組的差異。研究結果顯示:雖然兩組家庭 照顧者都感受到沉重的照顧壓力,他們之間的需求卻不盡相同。非高齡家庭照顧者中 需兼顧工作與照顧家人的較多,建議規劃友善家庭照顧者的職場環境,例如:彈性上 班、有薪家庭照顧假等。高齡家庭照顧者則是教育程度較低、自覺健康狀況較差、罹 患疾病數較多、有困難的照顧項目較多、對服務的滿意度較低,且高齡照顧者其被照 顧者平均年齡較高,每日照顧時數較多、照顧年數較長;高齡者需要更多的關懷與協 助,如:增加居家服務時數、到宅指導照顧技巧、照顧問題電話諮詢、志工關懷訪視 等。
Family caregivers play the most important role as primary care providers in long-term care system. With the coming of aging society, the phenomenon of aged caregivers is prevailed nowadays. Although the current official policy of long-term care offers different levels of service options according to degree of disability of the disabled person, it lacks in considering the divergent needs of care-givers for their various age. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare the needs and the current care-giving status between aged and non-aged family caregivers. Adopting a questionnaire survey, we collected data from 76 aged and 119 non-aged caregivers and then investigated the difference between the two groups of age. The results indicated that while both aged and non-aged family caregivers indeed received heavy pressures in care-giving, the needs for them were not the same. For most non-aged subjects, considering their simultaneous needs in coping with work and care-giving, it was advised to create friendly workplace environments such as flexible working hours and paid family care leaves. However, aged family care-givers were often poor educated, aware of their bad health condition, suffering from disease frequently, encountering large amount of difficulties in many care-giving items, and less satisfied with care service. Aged care-givers also took care of higher-aged care-receivers in average, spent more hours for family care each day, and took more years to look after their receivers. It is suggested that aged-caregivers need higher level of concern and assistance in many ways, such as increasing home service hours, directing care-giving skills at home, telephone consulting to care problems, and providing home visit service by volunteers.
起訖頁 149-164
關鍵詞 家庭照顧者高齡與非高齡需求差異性family caregiverselderly and non-elderlyneed differentiation
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201709 (21:2期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-上一篇 正念減壓方案對失智症家庭照顧者身心健康之研究
該期刊-下一篇 提升居家護理師執行個案關節活動度測量完整性




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