英文摘要 |
The 2009 amendment in the Employment Insurance Act entitled mothers to a parental benefit for six months after childbirth. The amount of the parental benefit was based on 60 percent of average insured salaries during the last six pre-childbirth months of work. In this paper, we use the 2002-2007 and 2010-2014 waves of the Family Income and Expenditure Survey to study the effect of the paid parental leave policy on the labor market outcomes of women of childbearing age. By including mothers with children aged 0-3 as a treatment group and women aged 45 or above as a control group, we use a difference-in-differences method to evaluate the policy effects on employment and wages. We take advantage of detailed information on various sources of income and recode women who were recipients of a parental benefit as the employed in order to obtain an estimate of the true employment ratio. The empirical results suggest that, for mothers who had one child at the age of one, the paid parental leave policy will lead to a reduction in the likelihood of employment by 16.82 percent. In addition, our results show that the policy may have a negative impact on wages for those women who experienced an expansion of the parental benefit. |