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感染控制雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

An Outbreak of Norovirus- associated Diarrhea in a Psychiatric Ward in a Regional Hospital
作者 簡素娥黃情川李致毅吳宗城
2008年3月南部某區域醫院慢性精神科病房發生諾羅病毒(Norovirus)引起腸胃道感染群突發,43位住院病人中有11位病人及9位工作人員中有1位發生急性腸胃炎,其感染率分別為25.6%及11.3%。通報個案症狀包括有腹瀉12位(100%)、發燒11位(92%)、嘔吐4位(33%)及噁心4位(33%)。針對通報個案採檢肛門拭子進行細菌培養皆為陰性。精神科病患本身疾病特性造成採檢配合度不夠,因此只有6名個案採到新鮮糞便進行病毒檢驗,檢驗結果有5名證實諾羅病毒,檢驗陽性率為83.3%。另1名個案檢驗結果為仙人掌桿菌(Bacillus cereus)。病人因精神疾病無法適切反應病情,又加上個入衛生習慣不佳,所以在密閉空間下,容易造成交叉感染,導致群突發事件發生。當感控小組接獲通報後,立即介入感染管制措施包括:病人採分區隔離、嚴謹執行接觸隔離及徹底環境消毒等措施,於疫情發生後8曰將疫情控制,該病房不再發生新病例。如何在精神科病房落實感控措施實為一大挑戰,本研究提供該院處理精神科腹瀉群聚事件之經驗,做為精神科專科醫院對於腹瀉群聚防治之參考。
An outbreak of acute gastroenteritis caused by norovirus occurred in the psychiatric ward of a regional hospital in Southern Taiwan. Between March 21 and March 29, 2008, 11 of 43 hospitalized patients (25.6%) and 1 of 9 health care workers (11.3%) developed acute gastroenteritis. The presenting symptoms were diarrhea (12, 100%), fever (11, 92%), vomiting (4, 33%), and nausea (4, 33%). In 11 cases, results of rectal bacterial culture were negative, but in 1 case, growth of Bacillus cereus was detected. Viral reverse trancscrip-tion-polymerase chain reaction was performed for 6 stool samples, of which 5 were positive for norovirus. After implementation of stringent infection control measures, which included isolation of infected patients, cohort care, contact precaution, promotion of frequent hand-washing, and aggressive environmental disinfection, the outbreak was finally brought under control in 8 days. Since hospitalized psychiatric patients live in closed environmental conditions, cross-infection is common among these patients. The implementation of infection control strategies in psychiatric wards merits further consideration by all health care providers.
起訖頁 137-145
關鍵詞 諾羅病毒慢性精神科病房Noroviruspsychiatric ward
刊名 感染控制雜誌  
期數 201006 (20:3期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣感染管制學會
該期刊-下一篇 某醫學中心2004-2007年全院醫療區手部衛生運動的推行方法及成果評估




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