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Erudite talented, outstanding unfettered——Jin Dynasty, Zhao Ke his poetry emotional meaning and creative mentality of the analysis discussed
作者 陶子珍
Jin Dynasty poet Zhao Ke, he is a famous poet the 'Shizong Da-ding' (1161-1189 AD) period, now Tang Guizhang, ' quan jin yuan ci‧jin ci ' featuring a total of 11 of his poems, pretty well self-style in contemporary poetry, Poem manifested emotional meaning, there are four main points: First, can not afford to rely alone on high railing - the quiet feelings miss the old days; Second, so that the the small the Yuanyang been covered with the dust had two years - the parting of the feelings between men and women; Third, leisurely leaning on the window watching the snowflakes dancing - leisurely mood to meet the personality; Fourth, only this time you can relieve the pressure - humorous style. By the above analysis, we can know the the Zhao ke mental activity in the creative process, summarized as follows: First, contented: at ease and happy in the peace and prosperity of the dynasty; Second, confidence: in the court worked very smoothly; Third, consciously: the past experience of reflective thinking. Therefore, Zhao ke should not only Humorous poetry are highly valued in the poetry circles. Jin dynasty in the poetics of the medium-term development impact can not be underestimated.
起訖頁 81-97
關鍵詞 金代詞人趙可情感意涵創作心態Jin DynastypoetZhao keemotional meaningcreative mentality
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 201309 (14期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 未去殖下的大歷史書寫:反思1990年代香港文學讀與寫的困局
該期刊-下一篇 從〈報任安書〉看司馬遷對生命的終極關懷




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