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A special Reason for the Kung-yang commentary of the Spring and Autumn Annals to win officual recognition during the reign of Han Wu-ti
作者 張瑞穗
Why did the kung-yang commentary of the Spring and Autumn Annals become the most dominant book in the Emperor Wu reign of the Western Han Dynasty? The general theory is that the kung-yang tradition proposed a system of political ethics that perfectly met the ideological need of the emprire. This paper examines a particular case to prove the above theory. The Empress Lu, as a regent of the empire after the death of the Emperor Hui, nominated four members of her own family as kings, in defiance of the oath said to have been sworn before Emperor Kao and his followers. At that time, Chancellor Wang Ling opposed her decision determinedly, while Chancellor Ch'en P'ing and General Chou P'o approved it complyingly. The latter two seemed to have betrayed their loyalty to the Emperor Kao. But it was them who put down the rebellion of the Lu kings and restored the imperial family of Liu after the death of the Empress Lu. How can we judge the deeds of these three followers of Emperor Kao separately and approvably? The Kung-yang commentary proposed a theory of ching(經)and chuan(權)to meet that purpose. Wang Ling who followed the principle of ching, while Ch'en and Chou followed the principle of chuan. They all are great officials of the Western Han Dynasty. In this way the authority of the reign of the Emperor Wen was justified. Therefore, the Kung-yang Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals provided an ideology for the consolidation of the Han empire.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 公羊傳春秋左傳經權觀the Kung-yang Commentarythe Spring and Autumn Annalsthe Tso Commentary
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200207 (14期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 〈關雎〉寤寐「思」「服」之義試析




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