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Korean Students' Frequent Errors on Learning the Result-complement of Chinese and the Contrastive Analysis of the Result-complement Usages in Chinese and Korean Grammar
作者 盧順點
The V+C (Resultative Complements) structure often carries with extremely complex and diverse expressions of meanings which is hard for those teachers engaging in teaching Chinese as second language in Korea, not to mention for Korean students. In Korean language, there is no phrase that may correspond to the complements of Chinese language. Therefore, Korean students have difficulties in acquiring the concept and often commit errors. In this paper, only the resultative complements will be studied. This is attributable to the fact that compared to other complement structures the current researcher has most frequently encountered errors of resultative complements in correcting student's essays and communicating with them in the process of teaching Korean students. Furthermore, the resultative complements have an extremely broad scope of applications in Chinese and it has a significantly high frequency of usage and it appears in the grammar of the learning materials of Chinese language for foreigner beginning learners. In addition, while learning the possible complements, Ba-construction, Bei-construction and other relatively difficult grammar is prerequisite, it is of high value to study the resultative complements which is an essential grammar to learn for foreign beginners. The main context is to analyze errors committed by Korean students in learning the resultative complements. By analyzing the reasons and detailed situations in committing errors, potential errors in using the complements by Korean students can be avoided. In addition, by analyzing the elements in Korean which are corresponding to the resultative complements of Chinese language, the methods for teaching Chinese in a more efficient way are also proposed.
起訖頁 231-250
關鍵詞 補語結果補語中韓對比分析complementsresultative complementscontrastive analysis of Chinese and Korean
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201506 (29期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 佛教傳入與古代中土信眾的取名命字
該期刊-下一篇 早期閩南語中多重功能詞「處」的探索:從方位到體貌




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