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A Philological Study of Jing-shi zheng-yin qie-yun zhi-nan(經史正音切韻指南)
作者 呂昭明
There is not much previous literature concerning genetic relationship of rime tables in general, and even less have written about logical translation of phonological category of rime tables in particular. The present paper thus aims to thoroughly investigate the rime table phonological thought in Jing-shi zheng-yin qie-yun zhi-nan. The paper consists of six sections. Section 1 introduces the philological transcription between Jing-shi zheng-yin qie-yun zhi-nan and Wu-yin ji-yun (五音集韻)while Section 2 discusses generic relationship of rime tables with regard to phonetic category, phonetic order, phonological structure, and distribution of the fanqie glosses between divisionⅢ and divisionⅣ. Then Section 3 conducts a detailed comparison of phonological transcriptions of Jing-shi zheng-yin qie-yun zhi-nan in terms of earlier editions while Section 4 applies stratum structure theory to the analysis of rime tables. Section 5 discerns the genetic relationship between Jing-shi zheng-yin qie-yun zhi-nan and Chong-ding si-ma wen-gong deng-yun tu-jing(重訂司馬溫公等韻圖經)while Section6 finally summarize the content and conclusion of this paper. In our analysis, genetic relationship of rime tables is licensed by the surface structure and stratum structure. This analysis, the Si-sheng deng-zi(四聲等子)turns out to be structurally the same as Jing-shi zheng-yin qie-yun zhi-nan(經史正音切韻指南), suggesting that both tables are recensions of a single early form, of which the Qie-yun zhi-zhang-tu(切韻指掌圖)is probably a later adaptation, will naturally account for the linear order of the rime tables
起訖頁 179-212
關鍵詞 表層結構層位結構surface structurestratum structure
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201506 (29期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 談清華簡(貳)《繫年》的 「衛叔封于康丘」句及相關問題
該期刊-下一篇 佛教傳入與古代中土信眾的取名命字




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