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由周法高先生金文三編按語談起--以「阜 」字為例
New Perspectives on Professor Chou Fa-Kao's Comments in Jin wen gu lin:a Case Study of the Shī( 阜)Character in Chinese Bronze Inscriptions
作者 沈寶春
余與周法高先生素昧平生,亦無由受教請益。唯先生主編的《金文詁林》、《金文詁林附錄》、《金文詁林補》乃研究古文字──尤其是金文的重要必備工具書。余撰碩士論文《商周金文錄遺考釋》、博士論文《王筠之金文學研究》期間,因其資料收集得豐贍完備,安排得有條不紊,學者取資援用,皆蒙受相當大的助益與啟迪。根據先生於 1974 年 6 月寫的《詁林.序》,曾自道此書係「羅列諸家之說于每字之下」,基本上跟丁福保的《說文詁林》有所不同,「丁書彙聚群言,不著己見」,但此書雖「付印匆促,未遑詳考,然亦間加按語」,當時先生「間加」了多少按語?實際上他並沒有全盤地統計和掌握,精確數據也就不得而知。又根據《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(九)》收〈陳公治兵〉一篇,簡 16 涉及「陣法」的布局,句末所談的「如御追,必慎」,原整理者陳佩芬解讀為「使馬駕車去追擊必謹慎」,蘇建洲以「包山55、窮達 06、景公瘧 12」改釋為「從辶從亘的字」。張崇禮以「從字形上看,兩說皆有可能」,可見戰國時期「阜 」、「亘」存在混用的現象。歷來談「 阜」字構形本從《說文》之說,自劉釗改釋為「臀」後,諸家大抵從其說法,如季旭昇《說文新證》即是,本文欲以「阜 」字為例,談談周先生為金文三編起例的不易,以及其「按語」彰顯出的視野與特質。
The compilation and publication of Jin wen gu lin 金文詁林, Jin wen gu lin bu 金文詁林補 (8 volumes), and Jin wen gu lin fu lu 金文詁林附錄, the three most important reference books in the study of Chinese bronze inscriptions, has elevated Professor Chou Fa-Kao to become one of the most renowned scholars in the field of Chinese paleography. These books have been widely consulted and discussed by scholars in studying Chinese bronze inscriptions. I personally benefited greatly from consulting these well-organized works during my graduate studies, in particular when writing my MA thesis—The Verification and Interpretation of Shang Zhou Jin Wen Lu 商周金文錄遺考釋, and my Ph.D. dissertation—The Study of Bronze Inscription School of Wang Yun 王筠之金文學研究. In the Preface to Jin wen gu lin, published in July 1974, Chou Fa-Kao stated that he has made comprehensive collection of the scholarship and has attached different opinions to each character. His strategy was fundamentally different from that adopted by Professor Ding Fu-bao 丁福保. In Ding's Shuo wen gu lin 說文詁林, he simply collected previous scholarship without leaving any comments. Though Jin wen gu lin was published in haste, it contains numerous comments in which Professor Zhou Fa-kao expressed his opinions regarding the characters in question. No attempt has been made to count the number of the comments in his book. In fact, even he himself did not know how many comments he has made in his works. The sentence of “one must be cautious when driving your chariot to chase the enemy,” written on Slip No. 16 in the Chapter of “Chen gong zhi bing 陳公治兵” in the Bamboo Slip Documents of Chu in Warring States period Kept in Shanghai Museum 9 《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書》九, involves the deployment of troops on battlefield. Chen Pei-fen 陳佩芬 interprets it as “be cautious when steering your chariot in chasing and attacking your enemy.” On the other hand, Su Jian-zhou 蘇建洲 interprets the character in question as one that combines “chuò ” and “xuān 亘"(從 從亘), based on his study of “Bao shan 55”, “Qiong da 06”, and “Jing Gong nue 12” 包山 55、窮達 06、景公瘧 12. Zhang Chong-li 張崇禮 concludes that shī阜 and xuān 亘 were used interchangeably during the Warring States period 戰國, as both theories seem plausible in terms of the structure of the character.The purpose of this article is to analyze the different theories regarding the character of shī 阜Furthermore, I will use Professor Chou's comments on the character of shī阜 as a case study to demonstrate his extraordinary achievements and insights in the study of Chinese bronze inscriptions.
起訖頁 35-53
關鍵詞 金文金文詁林周法高按語
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201412 (28期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論周法高先生對中國語言學界的貢獻
該期刊-下一篇 周法高先生聲韻學研究之成就--以重紐為例




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