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Difficulties in Explaining and Interpreting Difficult Words and Phrases in the Book of Odes and Establishment of Criteria
作者 呂珍玉
The explanations and interpretations of difficult words and phrases in the Book of Odes involve many issues, and the judgement of the correctness is difficult to make. This study intends to investigate different types of difficulties in establishing the criteria for explaining and interpreting false character pattern, poetic context, rephrasing, false or true situation, tautology, morphology, polysemy, dual text and continuity. Moreover, it attempts to inspect the basis of criteria for explaining and interpreting difficult words and phrases from old annotations. Based on the principle of “A grammar rule cannot be set with less than ten examples,” this study inspects a large number of difficult words and phrases in the Book of Odes. This study followed the examples of exegetical methods and theories of four principles of Wang of Gaoyou, Yu Yue's Examples of Disputable Problems From Classic, Chen Yuan's Annotations to Code of Yuan Dynasty, Yu Chia-hsi's General Structure of Ancient Documents, as well as the summaries of General Structure of Ancient Documents, in order to establish the criteria for explaining and interpreting the difficult words and phrases in the Book of Odes. Finally, suggestions are provided on ten malpractices of old critical interpretation of ancient texts mentioned in Zhou Da-pu's Studies of Exegesis, in order to strengthen the practice of exegesis.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 詩經疑難詞訓解規範he Book of Odesdifficult words and phrasesexegesiscriteria
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201606 (27期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 近體與抒情--論毛本《三國》的主要贊體形式及其修辭性




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