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Painting with Words: The Landscape Poetry of Hsiao Chi-tzung(或 Xiao Jizong)
作者 王建生
This paper begins with a discussion of Xiao's life and experience as a poet, followed by an examination of the significance of his poems on such themes as traveling and visiting scenic places. Next comes an analysis of the structure, allusions, and feeling tone of his poems on the theme of mountain climbing, including Longshouyan yunhai, Wushangao, and Deng Huangshan wangyi xianfeng. The next section discusses the structure and allusions of his poems on the theme of water, including Fandajiang jijing, Xingci jiujiangyou Gantanghu, and Zhoujin Yichangshi. This section also touches upon such literary devices as reminiscence and scenery depiction. Next comes a discussion of the sights, structure, and yearning for the mainland of his poems on the theme of travel, including Lushan guo Donglinsi, Qixianqiao yezuo, and Alishan daozhong. The next section discusses how he creates a relaxed mood while depicting a scene in his poems on the theme of leisure, including Huangyan, and Taibei Zhiwuyuan shang xinhe. The final section is a discussion of how Xiao depicts scenery to convey his state of mind and longing for his native place, or else to express his leisurely mood. The paper concludes with a discussion of how his poems utilize rich transitions, ingenious allusions, and skilful digressions to move the reader.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 蕭繼宗寫景登山臨水遊覽閑適Hsiao Chi-tzungdepicting scenerymountain climbingWater travelingleisure
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201107 (23期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 譎諫與垂訓——羅隱《讒書》探析




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