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Decoding the Popularity of “Princess Baleng,” an Adaptation of Lukai Legends about “Marriage between a Chief's Daughter and a Snake ”
作者 梁欣芸
Without a writing system, Taiwan's indigenous peoples have to orally transmit their myths and legends. These tales mostly involve survival issues such as tribal beliefs, origins, and migrations. Animals appear to be important in the tales as they have close relations with humans. Snakes, being the representative totems and objects for ancestral worship in both Paiwan and Lukai tribes, are conspicuous examples found in their tales. Tales surrounding the theme of “marriage between a chief's daughter and a snake” are found in both tribes, but are especially popular in Lukai. Such tales were recently adapted to be a high-tech creation entitled “Princess Baleng” by combining computer technology, popular music, and creation strategies used in novels and cartoons. “Princess Baleng” has become a hit among young people. How could a simple love story between a human and a snake merge smoothly with popular culture and be accepted and adored by teenagers? This article studies the re-creation process of “Princess Baleng” and analyzes its popularity.
起訖頁 415-433
關鍵詞 排灣族魯凱族巴冷公主Paiwan TribeLukai TribesnakePrincess Baleng
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200907 (21期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 傳播.出版.行銷:以「南宋詞選」為中心之文化探究




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