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The Collective Imagination of Taiwan's Popular Culture in the 1970s
作者 林積萍
The 1970s marked the time when Taiwan's popular culture entered a post-industrial state. In addition to the main stream ideology of the time, the financial power that had come with consumption of material goods and rise of the middle class enhanced the complexity of the popular culture, which, in turn, enriched the daily life of the populace. Directly or indirectly, a collective kind of social imagination was projected into this newly developed popular culture. Digging into its content will enable us to see the cultural trend of the time and the images of the collective imagination.This article discusses Taiwan's popular culture of the 1970s in three perspectives: imagination of the nation state, imagination of American culture, and imagination of self-fulfillment. Cultural commodities covered in this investigation include popular films of political propaganda, romance, and martial arts, highly rated TV programs such as puppet shows, as well as “campus folk songs” circulated among the universities. By studying the content of this popular culture, this article presents interesting features and inner values of the cultural imagination in its society.
起訖頁 371-387
關鍵詞 一九七○年代通俗文化類型電影校園民歌Taiwan 1970spopular culturefilmspuppet shows campus folk songs
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200907 (21期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 幸福空間、區隔女人、才女禁區--初論 1960 年後廚房空間的性別議題
該期刊-下一篇 傳播.出版.行銷:以「南宋詞選」為中心之文化探究




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