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Editorial Planning and Public Relations of the Literary Clique Journals in Taiwan-Poetry Journals since 1990s as Examples
作者 須文蔚
臺灣文學傳播中文學同仁刊物向來有「典律」的影響力,但絕大多數的詩刊發行,無法躋身大型、連鎖型的書店,而多半停留在文字社群中相互贈閱的團體傳播,以及在少數校園附近書店寄售的「小眾傳播」模式。顯然詩刊特殊性可從兩方面窺知:一是無法以大眾傳播的模式看待詩刊的出版與發行,而應以人際傳播、團體傳播等模式觀之;二是詩刊透過企劃編輯與公關活動的強化,使其能突破了以市場為取向的八、九○年代出版市場。本研究則以新詩雜誌近二十年媒體表現為對象,進一步觀察新詩雜誌的企劃編輯,希望找出文學同仁刊物的企劃編輯型態,以及其發揮影響力的模式。另一方面,也重視企劃編輯中公共關係活動的層面,利用愛思馬的「連結理論」(linkage theory),剖析同仁刊物如何強化與組織相關的連結,以強化媒體的力量。同時也介紹公關活動的類型與方法,探究詩刊雜誌如何在刊物發行之際,利用報紙和雜誌的深度報導文章、研討會的舉辦、活動演出、文學獎的辦理等公關企劃活動,加強讀者與作者間的凝聚力。
In Taiwan, Literary Clique Journals may have played a role in shaping the literary canon, but poetry journals could hardly make themselves present in largescale or chain bookstores. Most of them existed in the mode of “small group communication,” in which the poets sent to each other their own publications as gifts or put them up for sale at the bookstores around college campuses. To understand the survival of the poetry journals, we make two special observations: 1) Their publication and issuance should not be viewed in the mode of mass communication but in that of inter-personal or small-group communication; 2) Their editorial planning and public relations were keys to breaking into the market-oriented publishing field of the 1990s. This article studies how the poetry journals have performed in the media during the past twenty years and examines how they have executed their editorial planning and how the planning has effected in the publishing field. It also studies the journals' public relations, applying Esman's “linkage theory” to analyze how these journals established and strengthened “linkages” with the media. Specifically, my study investigates how their PR strengthened the connections between readers and authors in the following activities: feature reportage in newspapers and other magazines, seminars, performances, and literary awards.
起訖頁 287-320
關鍵詞 同仁刊物文學傳播企劃編輯公關活動Clique JournalsLiterary CommunicationEditorial PanningPublic Relations Activities
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200907 (21期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 場域.權力與遊戲:從舊書重印論台灣文學出版的經典再塑
該期刊-下一篇 論“十七年文學”中配合政治的幾種模式 --《中國現當代文學史與思想史的關聯性》論綱(之一)




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