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The Xueheng School's Intellectual Resources-Mathew Arnold's Cultural Criticism and Irving Babbitt's Humanism
作者 周淑媚
Both Irving Babbitt and Matthew Arnold had tremendous influence on literary criticism in modern China. This happened through a process in which their ideas were received, interpreted and spread by the Xueheng School, a group of Chinese students who had returned from the USA. Inspired by Babbitt's humanism and Arnold's cultural criticism, the Xueheng School introduced humanistic cultural thoughts to modern China. This cultural humanism evoked an introspection in the critique of traditional Chinese culture in the May Fourth period; it also opened rational dialogue between Chinese and other cultures in the world. The influence of Babbitt and Arnold upon the Xueheng School was not a one-directional instillation of a ready-made theory into a vacuous brain, but an intrinsic spiritual conjunction. Similarly, the transplant of humanism from the West to China was not a simple move in time and space, but rather, involved debates between antiquity and modernity by these intellectuals who came in cultural contacts between China and the West. This study of the Xueheng School's intellectual choices—a unique cultural phenomenon in which Babbitt and Arnold were accepted on a large scale and at the same time fiercely resisted--should provide inspiration to China in its cultural modernization in the twenty-first century.
起訖頁 149-177
關鍵詞 學衡派思想資源阿諾德白璧德人文主義Xueheng Schoolintellectual resourcesMatthew ArnoldIrving BabbittHumanism
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200907 (21期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 覺世與再創:論歷史敘述在晚清新小說的運用
該期刊-下一篇 幻影中的女性--蘇曼殊詩中之女性研究




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