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Walking Out of the Traditional Paradigm: The Transformation of Women Writers in late Qing Period
作者 吳宇娟
Using Gu Taiqing's Hongloumeng ying(顧太清《紅樓夢影》),Wang Miaoru's Nuyu hua (王妙如《女獄花》)and Shao Zhenhua's Xiayi jiaren (邵振華《俠義佳人》)as examples, this article attempts to delineate how women underwent changes from tradition to modernity in late Qing period.From the perspective of the above women fiction writers, when women were called on to participate in reform and later self-consciously tried to change themselves, they all underwent a process of conflict and struggle. From good housewives to mother of new citizens to woman citizens, each stage brought to women great turmoil. The description of the changes in fiction corresponds interestingly with what was going on in political agenda in reality. This in turn inspired women to further engage in putting forth agenda to obtain their social status and political rights. Women issues for the first time in Chinese history appeared and entered into the public sphere. Women reform became a trend at the time.
起訖頁 239-268
關鍵詞 晚清女性小說《紅樓夢影》《女獄花》《俠義佳人》女界革命Late Qing Woman FictionHongloumeng ying 紅樓夢影Nuyu hua 女獄花 Xiayi jiaren 俠義佳人Revolution in Women Issues
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200707 (19期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 清代女作家沈善寶年譜前篇
該期刊-下一篇 從李春生對進化主義的反駁看其在近代思想史的定位




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