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Special Report(Vol.37 No.3)
NCL Hosts Seminar on East Asian Libraries in the U.S. In order to further understand the characteristics of East Asian libraries in the U.S. and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with such libraries, the NCL hosted a 'Seminar on U.S. East Asian Library Characteristics and Exchanges' on July 13, 2006. Mr. Michael Meng, director of the Asia Library at the University of Michigan; and Ms. Wen-ling Diana Liu, a librarian at the East Asian Library, Indiana University presented reports and shared their experience with NCL staff during the seminar. Mr. Meng spoke on the situation at his library and the status and challenges of the Michigan-Google Project. Ms. Liu introduced the characteristics of the Chinese language materials in the Indiana University collection. The event was organized by the NCL's Bureau of International Exchange of Publications to facilitate exchange.
起訖頁 3-4
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 200608 (37:3期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 Program(Vol.37 No.3)
該期刊-下一篇 Events(Vol.37 No.3)




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