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NCL International Exchange Events(Vol.37 No.2)
Jan.3: Sarah S. Elman, Associate Curator of the East Asia Library Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University visited the NCL. Jan. 13: A delegation of 39 people led by Panama’s Ambassador to the ROC Julio C. Mock and Fermin Tomas Chan, President of the Chen Feng-tian Memorial Library at the ROC-Panama Cultural Center, to sign a library cooperation agreement Jan. 18: Dr. Hwa-Wei Lee, Director of the U.S. Library of Congress Asian Division, and Dr. James KK Ho, Associate Director of Howard University Libraries visited the NCL to discuss cooperation on digitization of Ease Asian library resources. Jan. 25: A delegation from mainland China visited the NCL, including Prof. Wan Rongshui, director of the Department of Publishing Organizations Management at Nan Hua University, and Beijing University Professor Xiao Dongfa, Leader Cultural Enterprise Co. head Su Xinyi, and Fengyi Knowledge Industry Co. CEO Wang Rui.
起訖頁 16-18
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 200605 (37:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 Revies(Vol.37 No.2)




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