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NCL International Exchange Events(Vol.36 No.3)
May 11: Dr. Xu Yinchi, former head of the Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, research librarian Wang Yingxue, and Dr. Zhou Qingshan of the Information Science Department at Beijing University visited the NCL during their participation in the “Chinese Media Digital Archive and News Markup Language Seminar.” June 3: Dr. Fan Jinmin of the Department of History, Nanjing University and Mr. Zhang Chenfeng, director of the Institute of Chinese Economics and Society, visited the NCL. June 10: Ms. Kuang-tien Yao, a librarian at the Chinese Department of the Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manor visited the NCL. June 27: A delegation from the Run Run Shaw Library, City University of Hong Kong headed by library director Steve Hsianghoo Ching inspected digitization work at the NCL.
起訖頁 18-18
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 200508 (36:3期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 CCS News and Activities(Vol.36 No.3)




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