英文摘要 |
Kinmen and Penghu Hold Joint Exhibition on Family Genealogies
From July 22 to 24, 2005, the cultural bureaus of Kinmen and Penghu counties hosted a joint genealogical exhibition organized by the Kinmen County Genealogical Culture and Research Society and Penghu County Folk Culture Society. The exhibit aimed to encourage preservation of the traditional clan culture of the two island counties, support the development of the counties as centers for genealogical research, and develop cultural resources to support economic growth. The exhibition displayed over 100 genealogies and other related documents on more than 40 families for public browsing. The Bureau of Culture, Penghu County also provided access to the genealogies in its collection during the exhibit. The Kinmen County Genealogical Culture and Research Society had staff on hand to help county residents revise their genealogies and track down relations. |