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Revies(Vol.35 No.2)
Century Old Images of Taiwanese Aboriginals: Chieftains, Braves, and Traditional Handicrafts Book Preface by NCL Director Juang Fang-rong, This publication consists of two 204-page volumes with a combined 400-plus postcards on aboriginal life in Taiwan during the Japan occupation period. The name of the tribes depicted, the date and place of the picture, and name of the photographer are included with each postcard. The postcards are also arranged according to the different cultural aspects of the subject matter presented. The first volume focuses on the chieftains, braves, and traditional handicrafts and arts of the aboriginal communities; while the second volume is devoted to the aboriginal people's daily life, clothing/adornments, and family scenes. Rich in historical value, all of these postcards were selected from the NCL's collection and most were taken in the early part of the twentieth century by Japanese anthropologists.
起訖頁 16-22
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 200405 (35:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 Events(Vol.35 No.2)




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