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The Transformation of Mountain Writing in the Tang Dynasty: Huashan Fu and Its Cultural Significance
作者 許東海
When Tang dynasty authors of “lofty mountain rhapsodies” (Shanyue fu 山嶽賦) wrote series of fu depicting Mount Hua 華山, they took as their principle reference point “You Tiantaishan fu” 遊天台山賦 (Rhapsody on Wandering on Mount Tiantai), a fu collected in the Zhao ming wen xuan 昭明文選. They eagerly explored a new Tang dynasty discourse on Shanyue fu, also drawing from other classic writings involving mountains contained in the Zhao ming wen xuan. For example, “rhapsodies on metropolises and capitals” (Jingdu fu 京都賦) were another object lesson in classic fu for Tang dynasty writers. By reading various types of literary selections from the Zhao ming wen xuan and by comprehending other classics of the genre, they were able to construct a cultural discourse on mountains, the capital, and the empire, and through this express the changing fortunes of the Tang Empire, and thus the connotations of the culture of mountain writing at that time. For this reason, exploring the lofty mountain rhapsodies of this period helps to supplement our understanding of the position of ci 辭 and fu in the history of mountain writing, and also benefits research into Chinese landscape literature, its culture and history.
起訖頁 267-295
關鍵詞 山嶽唐代華山經典昭明文選mountainsfuTang dynastyHuashanliterary classicsZhao ming wen xuan
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201006 (28:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 艷情書籍--試論高羅佩對艷情敘事和圖畫的處理
該期刊-下一篇 王昌齡的「身境」論--《詩格》析義




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