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A Study on the Labor Conditions of Social Workers: Cases from the Organizations Granted by United Way, Taiwan
作者 鄭怡世鐘文鎂
本研究旨在了解台灣民間社會福利組織社工員的勞動現況。本研究以任職於台灣聯勸所補助組織的社工員為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣法選取 400 位受訪者進行郵寄問卷調查,總計回收 235 份有效問卷。研究結果發現,台灣民間部門的社工員是處於不友善的勞動處境、不確定的勞動感受中,他們明顯有女性化、單身化、高流動化的趨向,且其薪資水準並無法適切地反映其勞動生產的價值、超時工作卻沒有獲得合理的補償、沒有合理的調薪機制、人身安全保障明顯不足、有部份社工員曾被要求薪資回捐或不實核銷;此外,有半數的社工員想離開現職,每五人有一人擔心失去現職或想永遠離開社會工作,顯示部份社工員對目前的工作及職涯有著高度的不確定感。本研究也透過一系列的多元迴歸分析來了解社工員的個人特質與任職組織的特質對其薪資、工時與離開現職傾向的影響;分析結果發現,社工年資的累積雖然會帶來薪資的提昇,但其每日工時也隨之增加;未婚者的每日工時與離開現職傾向明顯高於已婚者;任職於社團法人與公設民營組織的社工員,其對現職的不確定感高於任職財團法人組織者;社工員不論任職於哪種類型的組織,都有工時過長的現象。這是一份基礎研究,期盼研究結果可以作為了解當前民間社會福利組織社工員勞動現況的基礎資訊,並喚起對社會工作的勞動議題有更多的反思與實踐行動。
This study examines the labor conditions and work satisfaction of social workers serving at organizations granted by United Way, Taiwan.The study results show that these social workers face unfriendly labor conditions and have uncertain feelings toward work. Most of them are female and single, and their jobs tend towards highly mobile, Their salary levels seldom appropriately reflect the value of their labor.Overtime is not compensated reasonably, there is no reasonable mechanism for salary raises, and some social workers have been required to donate their salary back. Protection of personal safety is also insufficient. Half of the social workers who participated in this research reported wanting to leave their current position, and one in five social workers are concerned about losing their jobs or wanting to leave the field of social work permanently, indicating that many social workers have a high sense of ambiguity towards their current job and career. Through a series of multiple regression analyses, this study examines the impact of personal and organizational qualities on the labor conditions and work satisfaction of social workers. Analyses results show that seniority significantly impacts the salary and working hours of social workers. Although accumulating tenure brings a higher salary, it also increases the number of hours in a working day. However, working hours did not vary with different types of organizations; all social workers are overworked. The results of this study provide fundamental insights about labor conditions and job satisfaction amongst today’s social workers, and will evoke more reflection and practical action about social work labor issues.
起訖頁 86-123
關鍵詞 社工員勞動條件民間部門台灣聯勸Social workerslabor conditionnon-profit sectorUnitedWayTaiwan
刊名 當代社會工作學刊  
期數 201409 (6期)
出版單位 東海大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 大學社會工作課程的性別能力教學與學習
該期刊-下一篇 我工作,但我還是被排除!?低度就業者的工作貧窮困境




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