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Measuring Mechanism for Visitor Perception and Satisfaction with a Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park
作者 陳啟明 (Chi-Ming Chen)梁仲正 (Jong-Jeng Liang)戴昭瑛林聖宗
本研究以問卷方式獲得遊客滿意度推估之模式,資料經Amos 20.0版統計軟體執行結構方程模式中的驗證式因素分析。結果顯示台灣原住民族文化園區滿意度量表驗證式因素分析模式是一個有效的建構,其整體模式適配指標:χ2=27.71、GFI=.99、AGFI=.88、CFI=.99、NFI=.99、RMSEA=0.058、χ2/df=1.46。模式內在品質達到判別標準,基本配適度指標之因素負荷量也達到評鑑理想值。本研究目的在於瞭解台灣原住民族文化園區旅客的遊客滿意度及旅遊意向,期可建請台灣原住民族文化園區更關注於園區內各項活動及規劃設施,改善旅客在體驗或享受服務時所處的環境,經由正面的循環能量使遊客更喜歡到園區遊覽,提昇再次重遊意願機會,進而了解台灣原住民族文化園區未來發展方向,提供政府相關單位及學術參考研究之用。
This study employed questionnaires and SEM factor analysis via Amos statistical software to acquire a visitor satisfaction forecasting model. Data were analyzed according to second order confirmatory factor analysis in structure equation models by the AMOS20.0 software. The results revealed that the measuring mechanism of visitors' satisfaction upon Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park was an effect model Results also revealed its analysis to be an effective construction. Its overall model fitness norm is χ2=27.71, GFI=.99, AGFI=.88, CFI=.99, NFI=.99, RMSEA=0.058, and χ2/df=1.46. Internal quality reached the standard differentiation, while the factor loading in preliminary fit criteria meet the ideal evaluation value. This study investigates the level of visitor satisfaction and intention for an indigenous culture park. It can thus provide useful information for improving activities, amenities, services and tourist perceptions that can thereby increase visitors' willingness to revisit this culture park. Moreover, suggestions for future development either through the public sectors or in terms of research are also provided.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 臺灣原住民族文化園區滿意度旅遊意向驗證式因素分析模式Taiwan Indigenous CultureCulture ParksVisitor SatisfactionTourist IntentionConfirmatory Factor Analysis Model
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201606 (30:1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 再論李潼「臺灣的兒女」真實歷史人物之人格特質




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