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The Publication of a Corpus and Social Politics: A Discussion on the Editions of Shizheng lu and Their Publication
作者 解揚
本文研討明代經世名儒呂坤(1536~1618)所著《實政錄》的版本與刊 刻問題,評析並推斷該書初刻本的刊刻動機,和刻書者趙文炳所涉入的當時不同政治派別間的鬥爭,及他在其中的依違言行。該書所收文字的撰寫者和刊刻者的資料,不能直接充分證明它常見的七卷、九卷本和稀見的十卷本的刻成動機,比較它們的全書結構及各卷文字,並分析當事人的政治境遇,揣摩他們身處其時的心理和反應,便成了直接而有效的分析方法。本文認為,《實政錄》在萬曆二十六年(1598)由趙文炳刊刻的七卷本和其後補綴所成的九卷本,在收錄文字的全面和表述的精審上,並不令呂坤滿意;趙氏刻書,實決定於他在當年京察中,隨萬曆對政爭雙方態度的改變,而對孫丕揚、呂坤陣營從對立轉為依附的投機行為。這種行為,在趙文炳的一生行事中並不鮮見,卻不能為呂坤及其同僚引為同道。於是,對這兩種由刻意示好者趙文炳刊刻、收錄內容及文字表述都還欠完善的版本,致仕不久的呂坤不便作品評,而是徑自刪改文字、調整結構,成為該書十卷本的面貌。
This paper discusses the textual differences of the three editions of an important corpus, Shizheng lu 實政錄, written by a famous scholar of the late Ming dynasty Lü Kun 呂坤(1536-1618). An attempt is made to show the relation between its original publisher’s intention of publishing and his political status, additionally considering the social atmosphere at that time. Zhao Wenbing 趙文炳published a seven-volume edition of Shizheng lu in 1598. He later added additional material and reprinted a nine-volume edition. Both edition are commonly used. Twenty years later, Lü published a third edition of ten volumes, having thoroughly revised and expanded the original content. The third edition’s textural character and its difference from the previous editions reveal that Lü Kun was dissatisfied with Zhao Wenbing and the editions he published. The main reason for Zhao’s compiling and publishing Shizheng lu was to win acceptance after he defected to Lü’s political faction from an opposition faction.
起訖頁 167-195
關鍵詞 實政錄版本刊刻呂坤趙文炳明代Shizheng lueditionpublishLü KunZhao WenbingMing dynasty
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200812 (26:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 南宋書家張即之的方外遊
該期刊-下一篇 「血氣心知」與「身體理性」--論戴震與尼采的修身哲學與文化批判




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