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The Metaphor of the Literati during the Song-Jin-Yuan Transition: Wang Can Denglou as a Case Study
作者 汪詩珮
This paper concentrates on the Yuan dynasty zaju 雜劇 Wang Can denglou 王粲登樓, arguably one of the most typical and representative of the Yuan “literati plays.” The subject of the play, the pursuit of an official career and the frustration of trying to obtain a proper rank, is undoubtedly inherited from the literati tradition, but was rewritten in a new genre, the qu 曲, by playwright Zheng Guangzu 鄭光祖 (fl.1300). Zheng adapted the classic Denglou fu 登樓賦 to create a totally new kind of narration; furthermore role-playing, which is essential to the qu, changed the lyric nature of the original fu. Through a somewhat distorted depiction of Wang Can’s 王粲 life, the author portrays a social milieu that was responsible for the uncontrollable and unpredictable destiny of Yuan literati. By comparing the questionable relationships among characters in the play with historical records, and by examining the plot reversal as well as the restoration of the final reunion, I argue that ambiguous as it is, this play gives us a glimpse of the author’s discontent with Mongol rule, wrapped in a well-known historical story as well as an old literary tradition. In this respect, the new genre that Zheng took up became a medium not only perfect for actors to perform on the stage, but also ideal for “performing” experiments with new forms in which to express his political ideas and the frustration of the literati.
起訖頁 125-155
關鍵詞 雜劇鄭光祖王粲世變文人隱喻zajuZheng GuangzuWang Candynastic transitionliteratimetaphor
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201003 (28:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《江談抄》詩話與北宋詩話
該期刊-下一篇 明代詩歌啟蒙教習研究--由王世貞的學詩經驗談起




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