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The Influence of Evidential Scholarship in the Qing Dynasty upon the Study of the Chinese vulgar character : Focusing on Yoshida Kankan, Ichino Mitsuhiko and Kariya Mochiyuki
作者 金原泰介
This paper aims to verify the academic influence of a evidential scholarship in the Qingdynasty, especially by focussing on the collation note of Japannese sholar Yoshida Kankan, Ichino Misuhiko and Kariya Mochiyuki . This paper pointed out that the study of the Chinese vulgar character by Ichino and Kariya were clearly affected by linguistics and philology in the Qing Dynasty. The philological works of Qin sholars was referenced here and there in Ichino and Kariya`s collation notes of classics. It must be noticed that Ichino Kanya, and Qing scholars--their works were referenced by Ichino and Kariya--regarded four famous dictionaly--《說文解字》 , 《玉 篇》 , 《干祿子書》, 《廣韻》 -- as important materials for the research of vulgar characters. Kariya had been a influential leader of Edo philological sholars group that actively absorbed new knowledge of evidential scholarship in the Qing Dynasty. Ichino also was a member of this group. It follows from the above that the influence from Qing scholarship was clearly seen in the philological works of Ichino and Kariya.
起訖頁 107-142
關鍵詞 清代考據學俗字吉田漢官市野光彥狩谷望之Evidential Scholarship in the Qing DynastyChinese vulgar characterYoshida KankanIchino MitsuhikoKariya Mochiyuki
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201706 (24期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 凝視生活世界的獨白──論七等生《重回沙河》的鄉土




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