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The Social Consciousness in the Late Ming Dynasty Detective Stories Manifests in the Antipodal Way of Writing toward the Image of Upright Officials
作者 張凱特
The collection of court-case novels in Ming Dynasty occupies a crucial and key position in the development of honest and upright official culture and by delving into the construction method for the image of honest and upright official, the interaction between subject matter and culture psychology can be interpreted and the pattern of constructing the honest and upright official image can be discovered; if any attention is paid to the name and deeds of the honest and upright official in honest and upright official culture, it can be perceived that except for the particular emphasis in book name or article name, the reader's impression on the official's brilliant deeds is strengthened intentionally to further explain that the honest and upright official's case hearing pattern is a law-abiding official's consideration process; in character citing, the figures in the Ming Dynasty, especially those in late Ming Dynasty, are frequently cited to arouse the reader's memories. Through sorting out the texts, the thesis attempts to discover the major feature of the honest and upright official image in late Ming Dynasty, i.e. polarity, and intensively present the opposition and complementation of the moral character orienting to good and evil, the yin-yang attribute of case hearing and the overall analysis of true and false identity, thus demonstrating the conflict between the contradiction of honest and upright official culture and the reflected reality. Through the analysis herein, the historical significance of the new upsurge in court-case novels in late Ming Dynasty comes to the top; by means of text creation, the honest and upright official culture is driven to a new height and the epitome of the late Ming society is also reflected in the polarity of honest and upright official prototype.
起訖頁 43-84
關鍵詞 明代公案小說五鼠鬧東京清官信仰箭垛式對蹠性Court-case Novels in the Ming DynastyWu Shu Nao Dong JingUpright Official PrototypeJianduo TypePolarity
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201706 (24期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 《黃侃日記》中季剛先生的生活方式與健康狀況的關聯性
該期刊-下一篇 凝視生活世界的獨白──論七等生《重回沙河》的鄉土




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