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臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Contrastive Voice Analysis of the Differences Between Taiwanese and Mandarin Initial Consonants and their Teaching Methodology
作者 周美香
Taiwan is a multi-lingual society, but due to the long-term implementation of a monolingual policy, the natural development of language acquisition has been suppressed. Mandarin as the dominant teaching language in all levels of education continued until dialects were introduced into the curriculum in 2001. This multi-language curriculum planning has both positive and negative aspects. As far as teachers are concerned, they should think positively about how they can help their students to achieve the goals of effective learning in a multi-lingual environment using the very limited time they have available for this. Taiwanese and Mandarin are two languages with a high degree of similarity. In this study, by using contrastive voice analysis, both Taiwanese and Mandarin sounds are compared and referenced. By using the differences from this comparison, we can understand the difficulties in students' learning process. A better understanding of the differences that lead to students' learning difficulties will help teachers plan for particular teaching activities that will improve students' learning outcomes. Hence, language teaching and learning in the classroom can be more fun and more effective without compromising the multi-lingual curriculum.
起訖頁 45-64
關鍵詞 對比語音觀臺灣閩南語國語聲母對比Contrastive Voice AnalysisTaiwaneseMandarinInitial Consonant Comparison
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201606 (30:1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 再論李潼「臺灣的兒女」真實歷史人物之人格特質
該期刊-下一篇 苗栗後龍新港東社道卡斯族臺灣閩南語語言變異現象初探




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