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The Experience and Strategy of Court-based Family Mediation in Domestic Violence Cases: Case Studies of Taipei and Shihlin District Court
作者 李姿佳宋名萍胡育瑄潘淑滿
Taiwan has implemented court-based family mediation since 2006. The cases of divorce, child custody, and parent visitation are also assigned to the court-based family mediation, most cases are domestic violence. The number of divorce case via litigation is increasing, yet the efficacy of mediation has not impressed. This article, based on in-depth interviews with seven social workers and supervisors of Modern Women's Foundation who work at Taipei and Shihlin District Court, explores how they assess the efficacy of court-based family mediation of domestic violence, what experiences they have and what kind of strategies have been applied to mediation. The results of this study show that : (1) whether the case of domestic violence can enter the procedure of family mediation or not the security of the victims and their power relations need to be considered; (2) In regard to the case of domestic violence, the criteria to evaluate the eligibility to enter the procedure of family mediation should be developed; (3) the efficacy of family mediation should be defined in terms of the number of withdraw and the improvement of relation and communication of the couple during and after the process of family mediation. This article also provides some suggestions in regard to the system, strategy and procedure of family mediation in domestic violence.
起訖頁 119-166
關鍵詞 法院家事調解調解成效家庭暴力被害者的安全調解實務Court-based family mediationEfficacyDomestic violenceSafety of the victimMediation practice
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 201606 (16期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 模擬案主教學方法運用於社會個案工作課程之初探:從學生自評成果來看




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