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The Triple Concordance System in the Shijing and Liu Xin’s Studies of the Spring and Autumn Annals
作者 郜積意
Liu Xin’s 劉歆 chronology of ancient history and analysis of the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋 and its commentaries in his Shijing 世經 were based entirely on the Triple Concordance system, as was his theory of solar eclipses in the Annals recorded in the “Treatise on the Five Elements 五行志” in the Book of Han 漢書. The process by which Liu Xin utilized this calendrical system shows that there are discrepancies between it and the Annals. He still cited the calendar as proof of dates of solar eclipses in the Zuo Commentary 左傳 even when the dates did not match; when such dates in the latter did not match up with those reckoned using the Triple Concordance system, he altered them to bring them into line. This differs from the way Fu Qian 服虔 approached the task in the Eastern Han. The relationship between calendrical system and written record can provide both a new perspective on understanding Liu Xin’s scholarship and the study of the Classics during the Han, and an important reference for future discussions in the history of the study of the Classics (such as whether or not Liu Xin falsely altered them). In summary, understanding the calendrical studies made by Han scholars of the Classics will greatly assist in reaching a deeper understanding of their scholarship.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 劉歆三統曆世經服虔曆法經學Liu XinTriple Concordance CalendarShijingFu Qiancalendrical systemsConfucian classics
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200909 (27:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 郭象玄學與山水詩之發生




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