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A Textual History of Inner and Outer Classics in the Northern and Southern Dynasties
作者 陳懷宇
In tracing the history of many terms appearing in early medieval Chinese Buddhist texts, this study attempts to contextualize two of the most important terms in Chinese Buddhist history: Inner Classics and Outer Classics. It examines how Inner Classics became canonized from a term referring to Buddhist texts in general. This paper suggests that Daoxuan 道宣 was the first to use this term to refer to the Buddhist canon in the title of his catalogue of the canon in the early Tang dynasty, Da Tang neidian lu 大唐內典錄, which was because of his connections with the southern tradition of Chinese Buddhism. By carefully documenting the textual history of many terms in particular Inner Classics, this paper argues that the Buddhist lay followers in the Southern Dynasties invented the term Inner Classics and used it more often than lay followers in the Northern Dynasties. Daoxuan incorporated Inner Classics into the title of his work because his family and cultural background were in South China, and he therefore had awareness of Southern Chinese Buddhism.
起訖頁 131-159
關鍵詞 內典外典道宣大唐內典錄佛教Inner ClassicsOuter ClassicsDaoxuanDa Tang neidian luBuddhism
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200706 (25:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 嵇康與莊學超越境界在抒情傳統中之開啓
該期刊-下一篇 禪宗之「無心」的意義及其理論基礎




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