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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Absorbing Japanese Anime and Manga in Lin Yao-de’s Science Fictions The Buddha Vairocana (Da Ri Ru Lai) and Time Dragon (Shijian Long) |
作者 |
何嘉俊 |
中文摘要 |
有別於過往台灣小說家探討台日關係的寫實策略,林燿德(1962-1996)在上世紀九十年代的兩部長篇小說《大日如來》(1993)和《時間龍》(1994)中,轉化運用日本動漫畫元素,重新討論台日關係。本文藉分析上述兩部作品,探論林燿德如何結合日本動漫畫與科幻小說,創造新的科幻小說語言與形式,由此反思民族主義對台灣小說的約束,並提出在全球化的脈絡下再思台日文化互動的方向。 |
英文摘要 |
In contrast with the previous writers’ realist narrative strategy when looking into the Taiwan-Japan relations, Taiwanese fiction writer Lin Yao-de’s The Buddha Vairocana (1993) and Time Dragon (1994) rewrote the above theme by adopting and transforming the imaginative fictional language originated from certain Japanese Anime and Manga. This paper first investigates the ways the writer reinvented Taiwanese science fiction’s narrative form and language by combining the features of science fiction and Japanese Anime and Manga. From the above, it then illustrates and reflects on the limitations of Taiwanese fiction imposed by nationalism and hence advocates a new direction to re-examine the cultural dynamics between Taiwan and Japan under the framework of globalization. |
起訖頁 |
93-118 |
關鍵詞 |
林燿德、科幻小說、《大日如來》、《時間龍》、流行文化、Lin Yao-de、Science Fiction、The Buddha Vairocana、Time Dragon、Popular Culture |
刊名 |
台灣文學學報 |
期數 |
201606 (28期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
虛寫的國族與愛情─從李昂《七世姻緣之台灣/中國情人》談全球化下的家國想像與情愛論述 |