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Chinese Mathematics: Counting Sticks and Techniques — Using Fangcheng as an Example
作者 朱一文
Fangcheng 方程 was one of the nine mathematical calculation methods in ancient China. Through a reinvestigation of fangcheng, this paper reveals characteristics of the mathematical techniques of ancient China, and proves that the fangcheng technique itself was changed by the process of evolution from the use of real counting sticks to pictorial representations. This article also re-examines the techniques for handling positive and negative numbers using unearthed counting sticks and extant historical literature. This clearly shows the differences in the way positive and negative numbers are handled nowadays compared to ancient times and the permeation of ancient mathematics with traditional ways of thinking. By analyzing the process by which Qin Jiushao 秦九韶 wrote his Shu shu jiu zhang 數書九章, external factors that influenced mathematics in ancient China are identified that include the use of counting sticks and paper, corresponding traditional ideas, calendrical calculations, and social factors such as government moves to reform the calendar.
起訖頁 73-105
關鍵詞 方程籌筭筭籌筭圖數學秦九韶fangchengcountingcounting stickscounting diagramsChinese mathematicsQin Jiushao
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201012 (28:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 謝靈運山水詩的成因及其美學分析
該期刊-下一篇 論北宋熙豐、元祐年間的中樞體制變動(1068-1093)




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