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The People’s Morale is Valuable: The Late Qing Period Debate on “Revolution Leads to Foreign Partition”
作者 林穎鈺
During the last decade of Qing dynasty, the royalists and the revolutionists debated the question “Can China afford a revolution?” By advocating “revolution leads to foreign partition,” the royalists suggested that revolution could lead to an invasion by the Great Powers, thus revolution was not feasible. This not only exposed the psychology of fears of a split in society, but also attacked the morale of the revolutionists. Yet, the revolutionists argued that “people’s morale is exploitable” and that only revolution could raise people’s morale to resist an invasion by the Great Powers. The slogan “people’s morale is exploitable” was in fact the outcome of debates on people’s morale in the late Qing period. The debates suggested that the human spirit could bring great force for the salvation of the country. If people’s anger, patriotism, and spirit of martyrdom were inspired against foreign rule, this force could then resist invasion and save the country. Understanding the debates on people’s morale and its effect in the slogan of “revolution leads to foreign partition” could explain how “the power of the human spirit and will” was appreciated in the late Qing social context. It also helps explain how the political situation and attitudes were influenced by the social atmosphere and the mentality of the masses in the late Qing Dynasty.
起訖頁 209-238
關鍵詞 革命瓜分論戰民氣革命黨保皇黨晚清思潮“Revolution Leads to Foreign Partition”People’s MoraleRevolutionistsRoyalistsTrends of Thought in the Late Qing Dynasty
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201706 (52期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 由《胡適日記》「妄人說」觀察胡適—蔣中正關係中的美國因素




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